Who are we?

An international coalition with leading industry organisations all united under a common goal: advancing biosolutions for the good of Europe.

We are the European Biosolutions Coalition

The European Biosolutions Coalition initiative was established in October 2023 by several leading industry organisations, representing a substantial amount of the companies working with biosolutions in Europe, to elevate the prominence of biosolutions on the European agenda. The Coalition is dedicated to advocate for the green transition, fostering more intelligent approaches within the industry, and creating enhanced prospects for companies working with biosolutions in the EU. 

The purpose of the European Biosolutions Coalition is to highlight the importance of streamlining the regulatory framework for biosolutions, in the EU and member states. We must strengthen the alliance and partnerships between key stakeholders in Europe to make sure that biosolutions, biotechnology and biomanufacturing will be included and prioritized within the EU, as that will cause the change we need. And we’ve already made remarkable progress with our members and partners, as the biosolutions agenda in Europe continues to gain momentum and we look towards an EU Biotech Act in 2025. Yet there is still much left to be achieved in order to create real and lasting change.

Since the Coalition’s beginning, we have expanded from five likeminded industry organisations to ten, all recognizing the potential and value that biosolutions hold. This is us.

Partners in the Coalition


The Federation of Austrian Industries is the voluntary and independent representation of the interests of the Austrian industry and its related sectors. Since 1946, the IV has taken part in all legislative processes as a recognised partner of politics. A federal organisation, nine regional groups and the IV office in Brussels represent the issues of currently more than 4,500 members from the manufacturing sector, credit and insurance, infrastructure and industry-oriented services in Austria and Europe.


The Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (VBO FEB) is Belgium’s largest employers’ organization. VBO FEB represents more than 50,000 companies and more than 75 per cent of the total private sector employment in Belgium. Their work spans more than 40 different sectorial federations such as waste and recycling, security, commerce and services and food. The Federation covers business activity at national, European, and international levels at 17 different broad areas of activity, including social security, economy and government and politics.


Danish Industry (DI) is a private business and employers' organisation representing more than 20.000 companies in Denmark. DI aim to provide the best possible corporate conditions for the member companies. Danish industry represents both small and large companies from almost all industries. The organisation helps members with employer and political interests both locally and globally.


BIO Deutschland is the association of the biotechnology industry and with 380 member companies, the voice of the innovative medium-sized businesses in the sector. As the sector association of the biotechnology industry, BIO Deutschland has set itself the objective of supporting and promoting the development of an innovative economic sector based on modern biosciences.


The Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology, Assobiotec, represents approximately 130 companies and science and technology parks operating in healthcare and bioeconomy which includes agriculture, industry, and environment. Federchimica Assobiotec was first established in 1986 as part of Federchimica, the Italian Federation of the Chemical Industry. Its mission is to encourage and support Biotech innovation. In 2022, the set of activities connected to the bioeconomy in Italy, of which biotechnology is the driver of innovation, generated a production value of 415.3 billion euros, employing around two million people. The Italian bioeconomy accounts for 11% of the total value of production, a clear increase compared to 9.9% in 2019.


The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) is a major association in Lithuania which represents the interests of large industrialists and employers. The Confederation is an umbrella organization uniting 55 branch and 7 regional associations which comprise over 4000 medium and large enterprises from various public and private sectors. Membership covers all main sectors of industry and unites over a third of the Lithuanian work force, which generates 58% of Lithuanian GDP. LPK's mission is to create an optimal economic environment for Lithuanian business representing their interest nationally and internationally (EU, OECD).


The Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (known as VNO-NCW) is the largest employers' organisation in the Netherlands. VNO-NCW represents the common interests of Dutch business, both at home and abroad and provides a variety of services for its members. Over 160 (branch) associations are members, representing more than 185.000 enterprises. They cover almost all sectors of the economy, including more than 80% of all medium-sized companies in the Netherlands and nearly all of the larger, corporate institutions.


Concordia Employers’ Confederation represents 17 of the most important sectors in the Romanian economy and companies with more than 350,000 employees, with a total contribution of 26% to GDP. From its position as a representative social dialogue partner, its interests span across a large area of subjects such as the labour market and social dialogue, education, digitalization, consumers’ protection, future of transport, EU funds and circular economy. Concordia is also representing its members at European and international level as a member of BusinessEurope, the International Organization of Employers (IOE) and Business at OECD (BIAC).


economiesuisse, the Swiss business federation is the largest umbrella organisation representing the Swiss economy. It has the support of more than 30,000 businesses of all sizes, which employ a total of 1.5 million people in Switzerland. Its mission is to create an optimal economic environment for Swiss business.

United Kingdom

The BioIndustry Association (BIA) is the voice of the innovative life sciences and biotech industry, enabling and connecting the UK ecosystem so that businesses can start, grow and deliver world-changing innovation. Established in 1989, BIA is the award-winning trade association with over 600 members including: Start-ups, biotechnology and innovative life science companies, Pharmaceutical and technological companies, Universities, research centres, tech transfer offices, incubators and accelerators, A wide range of life science service providers: investors, lawyers, IP consultants, IR agencies. BIA is the key thought leader for the sector – working across a wide range of related issues including policy, finance, science, regulatory, legal and talent on topics including engineering biology and techbio.