What are biosolutions?

Biological industrial solutions - or in short, biosolutions - offer a powerful pathway to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable, resilient and competitive future. ‘Inspired by nature’ is the principal concept of biosolutions. Evolution has given nature a head start of millions of years to find solutions to the problems that we face. They now hold the promise of solving major problems.

Biosolutions are nature's own tools

Biosolutions have been used for thousands of years, such as fermentation processes when we produce cheese or bread. They leverage the potential of enzymes, microorganisms, bacterial cultures, yeast and other biological tools, but recent advancement in biotechnologies have elevated their potential, giving them transformative power. 

The term “biosolutions” covers goods and services derived from combining biology and technology with the ambition of accelerating the green transition. 



  • 8% of our

    current global CO2 emissions can be reduced

    if existing innovative biosolutions are implemented, moving us significantly closer to climate neutrality.

  • Up to 60%

    of the world's raw materials can be produced or substituted

    using biological means. Over the next 10 to 20 years, such advances could amount to 180-280 billion euros in market growth.

  • If 10%

    of the world's animal protein were replaced with alternative protein

    pollution amounting to 700 million tons of CO2 would be avoided and 900,000 km2 of agricultural land would be saved. This is important as the world will need much more protein in the future to feed a growing population.

  • 3.2 jobs

    can be created in the European labour market and overall economy

    every time we strengthen Europe with just one job in the biosolutions and biotechnology industry at large.

What can biosolutions do for us?

Biosolutions are not just a fleeting trend but a pivotal force in driving the biorevolution. This revolution promises to reshape industries, economies, and our relationship with the natural world. The factories of the future will not be mammoth coaldust-soiled structures with giant smokestacks. Instead, the most important factories of the future will be tiny yeast cells, bacteria and algae.

These microscopic powerhouses will produce everything from biofuels and bioplastics to pharmaceuticals and food ingredients by leveraging the natural processes in these organisms. The biorevolution can transform our industrial landscape, leading to greener technologies, less waste, and a harmonious coexistence with our environment. Biosolutions will be at the heart of this transformation, proving that the smallest organisms can have the biggest impact on our future.

How biosolutions can strengthen Europe's sustainability, resilience and competitiveness


Biosolutions are integral to enhancing Europe's sustainability by providing green alternatives and allowing for the achievement of a circular and bio-based paradigm.

By incorporating biosolutions into our practices, we can achieve a significantly more sustainable way of living. They are enables of achieving net-zero in 2050, as implementing just the biosolutions we know of today will reduce global emissions by 8%. Dryland crops and scraps from agro-industrial value chains can be used as input to produce bio-based products, which enables use to protect our natural resources, close our carbon cycles and reduce our emissions. 

As much as 60% of the world's raw materials can be created biologically, which will significantly lower our dependence on fossil fuels and oils. Instead, we can scale up our production by relying on biofertilizers and biopesticides, which will foster healthier soils, reduce the environmental impact of our farming and allow for production of materials used in biofabrication. Additionally, biosolutions use much less arable land and water. Their implementation can help us achieve a clean environment, fulfill the promises of the European Green Deal and feed a growing population. 


The adoption of biosolutions enhances Europe's geopolitical resilience in the face of new challenges.

Biosolutions hold such a great promise for reducing food waste and producing food for a growing population that they can greatly strengthen Europe's resilience by covering everything from raw materials to food production. This will ensure more secure and sustainable food supply chains. By adopting biosolutions such as precision fermentation and the use of bio-based products, Europe can reduce its dependencies on external resources and mitigate the risks associated with global supply chain disruptions that are ever-more frequent with the current fading international paradigm. 

On top of that, biosolutions such as biopesticides can improve crop yields and reduce environmental impacts, promoting self-sufficiency in food production. This can all be done while supporting local, European economies and reduce reliance on global imports. By integrating biosolutions, Europe can build robust systems capable of withstanding and recovering from various shocks, ensuring long-term stability, security and resilience.


Biosolutions are pivotal in boosting Europe's competitiveness and reclaim our position at the forefront of the global economy.

The industrial bio-revolution is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Europe. Bio-based factories can offer news jobs and contribute to our economic growth, with 3.2 new jobs being created in the overall economy every time one job is created in the biosolutions and biotechnology industry at large. Finally unleashing the innovations we already have will also significantly increase tax revenue and allow our companies to let their products flourish with new market opportunities in demand-driven and emerging markets. 

In fact, implementing biosolutions can fulfill the promises of the much needed circular and bio-based paradigm and economy with safe, high-quality jobs and more efficient and resilient value chains. This competitive edge will ensure that Europe remains at the forefront of the global economy, driving progress and prosperity through sustainable and innovative solutions.

Impactful biosolutions already exist

The potential of biosolutions is so enormous that it can be hard to fathom in its entirety. Applying biosolutions at scale can allow us to produce food for a growing global population with much less land usage, creating the opportunity to counter the current loss of biodiversity. With the help of biosolutions, we can minimize waste and our environmental impact while maximizing economic, geopolitical and environmental benefits. They can strengthen Europe in key areas, by developing sustainable supply chains and contribute greatly to achieving a circular and biobased economy. 

The future can be better for Europe. We can bolster our position and greatly strengthen our sustainability, resilience and competitiveness. And it all starts with biosolutions.