What do we work for?

Our work

The purpose of the European Biosolutions Coalition is to highlight the importance of streamlining the regulatory framework for biosolutions, in the EU and member states. We must strengthen the alliance and partnerships between key stakeholders in Europe to make sure that Biosolutions, biotechnology and biomanufacturing will be included in the next European Commission’s five-year work program.

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    Identify legislative barriers

    for the development and commercialisation of biosolutions in Europe. We need scale and speed.

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    Guiding European policymakers

    to a sustainable future with the help of biosolutions. The Coalition will develop a manifesto with concrete policy-asks for a harmonized, modern, and updated regulation.

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    Raise Awareness and knowledge

    about biosolutions among stakeholders, both within member states and EU institutions, by engaging in policy advocacy and enhancing public visibility by acting as spokespersons on behalf of the sector.

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    The Coalition aims to streamline the regulatory framework for biosolutions within the EU

    to produce scalability and innovation within Europe, also securing political recognition of the contributions of biosolutions to sustainability and food security.

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    Cultivate enduring support from stakeholders

    to sustain high-level attention to biosolutions on the European agenda.


Biosolutions are pivotal in revolutionizing eco-friendly practices and encompassing numerous sustainable solutions. Environmental innovation holds significant potential for driving the green transition. This potential extends to sustainable agriculture, leveraging technologies like the CRISPR technology and utilizing crops for biofuel. Low-carbon technologies play a crucial role in shaping a greener future with clean energy solutions. There is substantial potential in biodiversity conservation and renewable resources, such as bioplastics. Biological pesticides contribute to enhancing agricultural practices. This holistic approach underscores the importance of integrating eco-friendly methods to forge a more sustainable future.

The European Biosolutions Coalition proposes the following policy recommendations. These are six recommendations for a more horizontal approach to biosolutions, enabling delivery on the EU Green Deal. The horizontal proposals can of course be combined and, if achieved, would mean a new and much faster regime for the future of biosolutions in Europe. 

1. Invest in Research, Development and Innovation

For the EU to keep up with other economies and continue to develop new solutions, substantial investments in developing new biosolutions are required. Europe has been ahead until now but is quickly losing ground as other regions and countries ramp up significantly.

Biosolutions should be part of the futuer Horizon program. In addition, biosolutions aimed directly at the agricultural sector should be integrated in the revision of the common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

2. Improve incentives to invest in scaling and infrastructure capacity

To accelerate getting biosolutions to market, investment incentives must be improved. SME's have particular difficulties financing infrastructure to scale their biosolutions, especially through the early phase of the "valley of death". 

Therefore, Pilot Facilities are needed to enable transition from R&D to market. We call on member states to explore possibilities to utilise IPCEI funds for bio-reactors. The development of a model where the EU could be co-investor in public-private partnerships, in infrastructure for scaling, could be a way forward for example through the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Innovation Council (EIC). Today there is a massive lack of investments in late stage-ventures for upscaling of biosolutions companies, also due to the regulatory barriers. 

3. Ensure Fair EU Classification and revise the NACE codes

A new EU industrial policy is here to stay. It is therefore essential that biosolutions, biotechnology and biomanufacturing are placed at the heart and centre of the industrial policy, as well as reflected in the legislative proposals that follow from the new industrial policy program.

To achieve this, biosolutions should be recognized in the EU classification of economic activity, the so-called NACE codes. Bio-based chemistry provides ani mportant contribution to sustainability and defossilisation with raw materials leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions and the offer of bio-degradable or bio-compostable products.

We are fully aware that biosolutions are not the only solutions to promote sustainability, and the use of bio-based raw materials is not necesasrily the most sustainable solution every time. But to ensure that biosolutions investments are accurately classified as sustainable when appropriate, in addition to further increase access to sustainable finance for biosolutions companies, biosolutions should be included in the EU taxonomy and biosolutions should be integrated next time there is an update of the NACE codes.

Well ahead of time, the biosolutions sector hope to be involved in the discussion on exactly how this could be done.

4. Develop and use a Risk-Benefit Approach

Biosolutions suffer from a disproportionate focus on environmental and human health risks, compared to the environmental and human health benefits of the solutions. In addition, environmental externalities are not priced in most traditional products. Also, bio-based products do not receive proportionate benefits for doing relatively lesser harm to the environment and human health.

We suggest introducting and, to a much higher degree, use a risk-benefit analysis framework. This approach will guide regulatory decisions by considering and weighing both potential benefits and disadvantages. In this regard it will help if the EU Innovation Principle is fully implemented in all EU regulation and policy. 

5. Develop a European model of market access for biosolutions

The model could be a GRAS-inspired approach. GRAS is an American paradigm, which stands for Generally Recognised As Safe, where companies must apply due diligence in demonstrating and getting expert consensus on the safety of new biological solutions.

This is a clear and straight forward process that secures the safety of products while avoiding the lengthy and administratively demanding approval processes currently in place in the EU. A similar model could be very helpful for example in the future revision of the REACH directive.

6. Develop a framework for the fast approval of sustainable biosolutions

To accelerate the green transition, there is a need to allow for faster approval of sustainable biosolutions within several areas. These products are currently regulated under different regimes, which are cumbersome and time consuming. These regimes do not consider the risk profiles of products based on biosolutions and do not consider their ability to facilitate our green ambitions. A new horizontal framework, inspired by the EU's existing "New Legislative Framework" for products, could make up for that.

Approval procedures should moev away from a process centric to a product centric approach. It should build on a risk-benefit approach and ensure regulatory sandboxes, allowing for the development, testing and validation of innovative technologies in a controlled real-world environment, the full implementation of the Innovation Principle. Furthermore, it should provide better conditions for applicants to develop higher quality applications. Also, an approach to solve the challenges related to capacity shortages for assessment should be part of this framework.

To facilitate the shift towards a green and bio-based economy, a centarlized approval process for biosolutions (i.e., living organisms: plants, animals and microorganisms could be established at a European level, including a mechanism ensuring coordination across units and member states. This new framework will allow for streamlining and speeding up the registration and approval process.