European Biosolutions Coalition

For a sustainable, resilient and competitive Europe

European Biosolutions Coalition

Our Purpose

The European Biosolutions Coalition’s purpose is to agenda-set the importance of streamlining and improving the regulatory framework for biosolutions in the EU and member states.

The Coalition primarily consists of European industry organisations coming together to campaign for this common cause. 



Our Goal

Our goal is to show the potential of Biosolutions to provide answers to the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis, and the food security crisis. 

When we join forces to promote biosolutions, we are able to share the same language and understandings to make our suggestions heard by decision makers at both the national level and the European level. 


Our focus

While Biotechnology undoubtedly holds immense promise and significance in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors, the exclusive focus of the European Biosolutions Coalition lies in advancing biosolutions that promote a sustainable transition in industry and agriculture.

  • By 2050

    with a projected global population of 9.8 billion

    it is crucial that we achieve a sustainable world with increased biodiversity, clean air, water, and sufficient healthy food for a growing global population.

  • By 2030

    the EU is legally bound to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55%

    which means achieving greater emission reductions than in the past 30 years to meet its ambitious "Fit for 55" targets.

  • If 10%

    of the world's animal protein were replaced with alternative protein

    700 million tons of CO2 would be avoided and 900,000 km2 of agricultural land would be saved.

“It is the moment to show to the young generation that we can build a continent where you can be who you are, love who you want, and aim as high as you want. A continent reconciled with nature and leading the way on new technologies. A continent that is united in freedom and peace. This is Europe’s moment to once again answer the call of history.” Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission
“The potential of biosolutions is huge and can help Europe reach its green targets. But to make use of that potential we need more decisionmakers, especially in Europe, to understand what biosolutions are all about. That is why we are forming the European Biosolutions Coalition” Mrs. Sofie Carsten Nielsen
Director, European Biosolutions Coalition
“We are delighted to take part in this timely initiative of our Danish colleagues to advance the regulatory and financial framework for bioindustrial solutions and the biotechnology sector. Innovative industrial products and processes in these fields will facilitate our decarbonization efforts and create new markets along the way. Europe can and should position itself as biosolutions leader. Thus, we look forward to working with DI and our fellow European partners to advance biosolutions in Austria, Europe and beyond.” Mr. Christoph Neumayer
Director General, Federation of Austrian Industries
“Biosolutions holds many answers to key transitions like health, food, and sustainability. Our strong legacy in all these biotechnological areas allow us to provide European answers to global challenges, and so strengthen our competitiveness and strategic autonomy.” Mr. Focco Vijselaar
Director-General, VNO-NCW
“The Commission President, Mrs Ursula von der Leyen has now made biotechnology and bioindustrial solutions – or in short biosolutions – a priority for the EU. This is something we can only applaud. Now we need to act in order for many more biosolutions to be able to reach the European markets to solve challenges with the green transition and secure Europe geopolitically, economically and in terms of future green jobs.” Mr. Lars Sandahl Sørensen
CEO, Danish Industry
“Companies in Europe have a strong background in development and application of biosolutions for the benefit of all. In order not to lose the race to the top in innovation compared to other economic regions, it is all about ensuring the right regulatory framework.” Mrs. Monika Rühl
Chairwoman of the Executive Board of economiesuisse, the Swiss business federation
“With our membership we contribute to bringing down the many cultural and regulatory barriers that are leaving Europe on the margins of a global revolution: the biorevolution, on which building the future of the planet” Dr. Elena Sgaravatti
Vice president, Assobiotec
“The transition to a carbon-neutral economy will not be possible without industrial biotechnology. It plays a central role in the integration of innovations into the markets and at the same time helps to reduce the burden on the environment. Now it is time to take the next step: together with our partners in the European Biosultions Coalition, we want to work towards accelerating the implementation of bioeconomy technologies.” Viola Bronsema
CEO, BIO Deutschland
“We are happy to join forces with major leading bio industries in other European countries in order to advocate for a clear and more streamlined future conditions for bio industry in the EU. Lately we were experiencing phenomenal happenings in the biotech industry, when our biotech startups receive initial seed money from European funds, but later they choose to go and start producing in the US due to better investment climate and regulatory market conditions. If we really want to have key technologies and bio industry in Europe we have to look for an inclusive regulatory approach and policies in the EU.”” Tomas Andrejauskas
Vice-President of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists
“There is value in the green economy, we need to make it part of an industrial deal to strengthen thee EU competitiveness while remaining committed to the Green Deal. In this context, biotechnology is part of the solution. We are pleased to join our Danish lead and other European colleagues in the effort to make biosolutions a priority on the EU agenda.” Adelina Dabu
Head of Public Affairs, Concordia Employers' Confederation

Sofie Carsten Nielsen

Director, European Biosolutions Coalition

Phone: +45 3377 4636
Mobile: +45 2894 5282

Marit Hvithamar Rystrøm

Leading Senior Advisor

Phone: +45 3377 3755
Mobile: +45 2124 4272

Tanja Nørregaard

Personal Assistent to Sofie Carsten Nielsen

Phone: +45 3377 3668
Mobile: +45 2015 8782